Create a free teaching account to manage classes and set tasks. Set relevant homework by creating custom learning pathways. Access tons of notes, videos and other teaching resources.
Register hereCreate an account and start tracking your progress. Connect with your teachers and recieve tasks and assignments.
Register herePathwayz is a community of Science teachers and their students.
Every teacher and student helps to develop Pathwayz just by using it!
Contribute by adding videos, rating them and suggesting improvements.
All services which are currently free to use will remain that way for all time.
Become a developer - help out with quality control, edit notes, even re-structure the tree.
It costs money to keep Pathwayz running and even more to further the development of our software.
Donate by purchasing our supporter products, buying us a coffee or sending us any generous amount.
We'd like to acknowledge all those people who have supported us here - you're awesome!